What Is the Downside of Owning a French Bulldog?

A Woman in Blue Dress and Her Brown Pug

So, French Bulldogs. You’ve got your heart set on one. 

You’ve save up the $3,000 and are ready to pull the trigger. 

BUT wait…there’s more!

What is the downside of French Bulldogs?

Because believe me, as much as I love these little guys, there are a few things you should know before deciding to bring one home. 🐶

Health Issues

French Bulldogs are notorious for a slew of health issues.

From above of crop smiling female with closed eyes embracing cute purebred dog while sitting at table outdoors

The short nose that gives them that cute, smushed-in look also causes serious breathing problems.

Frenchies are a brachycephalic breed, which basically means their short snouts can make breathing difficult, especially in hot weather.

I remember one summer day when I noticed my Frenchie struggling just to catch his breath after a short walk.

I had to rush him inside, cool him down, and keep him calm. 😟

Their breathing issues also lead to problems with snoring and even sleep apnea.

So, if you’re a light sleeper, be prepared to share your bed with a dog that sounds like a chainsaw.

And it doesn’t stop there.

French Bulldogs are also prone to hip dysplasia, allergies, and spinal issues.

All of this adds up to frequent vet visits and potentially hefty bills 💵.

High Maintenance: The Frenchie Grooming Routine

You might think that because they have short coats, French Bulldogs are low-maintenance when it comes to grooming.


I quickly learned that their skin is super sensitive.

They can develop rashes, dry patches, and infections if you’re not careful.

I’ve had to give my Frenchie regular baths with special shampoos and pay extra attention to those cute wrinkles on his face.

If you don’t clean their wrinkles daily, they can get dirty and infected.

It’s become part of my routine—something I didn’t quite expect when I first brought him home.

Fitness with Frank

Stubborn Streak: Training a French Bulldog

Now, let’s talk about their temperament.

Don’t get me wrong, French Bulldogs are affectionate, loyal, and just plain fun to be around.

But they can also be incredibly stubborn.

Training a Frenchie requires a ton of patience and consistency.

There were days when I felt like my dog was just ignoring me on purpose, and honestly, he probably was. 🤷‍♂️

If you’re not up for the challenge of training a strong-willed dog, you might find yourself frustrated.

French Bulldogs are smart, but they’ve got a mind of their own, and they’re not always eager to follow commands.

Separation Anxiety Is Real

French Bulldogs are known for their attachment to their owners.

And while this is endearing, it also means they don’t do well when left alone for long periods.

My Frenchie has had bouts of separation anxiety that led to some serious destruction around the house.

Think chewed-up furniture, shredded cushions, and even a torn-up carpet.

It’s not something you can just overlook.

If you have a busy lifestyle or work long hours, you might find it difficult to meet a Frenchie’s emotional needs.

So, what is the downside of owning French Bulldogs?

In short, they come with a lot of baggage—health issues, grooming needs, a stubborn streak, and emotional demands.

But at the end of the day, if you’re willing to put in the effort, French Bulldogs can be incredibly rewarding companions.

Just go in with your eyes open and know that it’s not all snuggles and Instagram photos.

There’s real work involved in keeping these little dogs happy and healthy.

And for some of us, that’s totally worth it.

But for others, it might be a deal-breaker.

If you’re considering a Frenchie, make sure you’re ready for both the ups and the downs before you take the plunge. ❤️


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