How to Train Your French Bulldog (Without Losing Your Mind) đŸ¶

From above of crop smiling female with closed eyes embracing cute purebred dog while sitting at table outdoors

You’ve got a French bulldog, and training isn’t exactly going as planned?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Frenchies are stubborn little things, but with the right approach, you’ll have them listening to our commands. It takes time and patience, but it will payoff. Trust me.

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how to train your French bulldog.

1. Start Early
 But It’s Never Too Late

The earlier you start training, the better.

If you get yours as puppy, that’s great because training will be easier.

They’ll soak up everything you teach them.

But if your Frenchie’s a bit older, it’s not the end of the world.

You can still train them — it might just take a bit longer and be aware of this as you go.

2. Positive Reinforcement Is the Way to Go

Here’s the thing with French bulldogs: they don’t respond well to harsh discipline.

Shouting or being aggressive will only make them more stubborn.

Instead, focus on positive reinforcement.

Reward them when they do something right.

It could be with a treat, a toy, or just some praise.

Frenchies love attention, so even a “Good boy!” can go a long way.

3. Simple Commands are Best

Don’t overload your Frenchie with too many commands at once.

Start with the basics: “sit”, “stay”, “come”.

Once they’ve mastered those, move on to more complex stuff.

Here’s a trick: always use the same words for each command.

If you say “come” one day and “here” the next, they’ll get confused.

Here are some other tips:

One word is best – “sit” not “sit down”
Everyone in the house should use the same words
Use a firm but friendly tone

4. Short Training Sessions, Every Day

French bulldogs have short attention spans.

I mean, really short.

So keep the training sessions short too.

Aim for 5-10 minutes a day.

Anything longer, and they’ll start getting bored, and that’s when they stop listening.

But consistency is key.

Do it every day, and they’ll catch on.

5. Socialisation Is Training Too

Socialisation is a huge part of training your French bulldog.

Take them to the park, invite friends over, expose them to different settings.

They need to be comfortable around other dogs, people, and environments.

This will help with any future behavioural issues.

A well-socialised Frenchie is a well-behaved Frenchie.

6. Crate Training: Yes or No?

A lot of people ask if crate training is necessary for a French bulldog.

The answer?

It depends.

If you want your Frenchie to have a safe space or you’re working on potty training, then a crate can be really helpful.

Just make sure it’s not used as punishment.

It should be a positive place where they feel safe.

7. Tackling the Stubbornness (Because There Will Be Stubbornness)

French bulldogs have a reputation for being stubborn.

And let’s be real – it’s well earned.

But here’s the thing: don’t give in.

If your Frenchie isn’t listening, don’t reward them out of frustration just to get them to stop misbehaving.

Stick to your guns.

The minute they know they can wear you down, training will be ten times harder.

8. Address Problem Behaviours Early

If your French bulldog is showing any behavioural issues, tackle them straight away.

Don’t let it become a habit.

For example, if they start chewing furniture, have them chew a toy.

9. Use a Clicker (It Works, Trust Me)

Clicker training is simple, but super effective.

Every time your Frenchie does something good, click the clicker and give them a treat.

They’ll quickly associate the sound with positive behaviour.

After a while, you won’t even need to use the treats as much.

10. Patience, Patience, Patience

You’re going to need a ton of patience.

French bulldogs have their own personalities, and they don’t always want to listen.

But they will — eventually.

Just stick with it, keep things positive, and don’t rush the process.

FAQs on How to Train Your French Bulldog

Q: How long does it take to train a French bulldog?
It varies.

Some Frenchies pick things up in a few weeks, while others might take a few months.

The key is to be consistent and not give into them.

Q: Can older French bulldogs be trained?

Older Frenchies can still be trained; it might just take a bit longer because they’re more set in their ways.

Q: How do I stop my French bulldog from biting?
Redirect them to a chew toy whenever they start biting.

You can also use positive reinforcement when they stop biting on command.

Remember use a firm tone.

Q: Is crate training good for French bulldogs?
Crate training can be beneficial, especially for potty training or giving them a safe space to retreat to.

Just make sure the crate is a positive place.

Training your French bulldog doesn’t have to be stressful.

With the right techniques and a lot of patience, you’ll have a well-behaved Frenchie in no time.

Stay consistent, stay calm, and remember: your Frenchie wants to make you happy.

It just might take them a bit to figure out how.


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