What I Wish I Knew Before Getting a French Bulldog

From above of crop smiling female with closed eyes embracing cute purebred dog while sitting at table outdoors

Here’s everything you will want to know before bringing home your French Bulldog.

1. They Snore. A Lot. 💤

We all know French Bulldogs have flat faces, but you may not expect the snoring to be quite so intense. If you’re someone who needs complete silence to sleep, this might be an issue. Their short snouts (called brachycephalic faces) make them prone to noisy breathing, especially when they sleep.

Tip: Consider white noise or letting your Frenchie sleep in another room if you’re a light sleeper.

2. Stubbornness Is Their Middle Name

French Bulldogs are smart but boy, are they stubborn. If they don’t want to do something, they’ll let you know with those big puppy eyes and, sometimes, just refusing to move. Training a Frenchie takes patience and consistency. When your Frenchie is a puppy, they may form the habit of sitting down mid-walk and refusing to budge. Imagine trying to coax a 25-pound brick with legs—fun times!

Advice: Start training early and make it fun with treats and positive reinforcement. Keep sessions short; Frenchies have short attention spans.

3. They Overheat Easily 🥵

One of the most important things to know about French Bulldogs is that they don’t handle heat well. Because of their flat faces, they can struggle to cool down, so it’s crucial to be cautious during hot weather.

Reminder: Never leave your Frenchie in a hot car or take them out in high temperatures. Always bring water and look for shaded spots.

4. Vet Visits Can Be Frequent 🏥

French Bulldogs are prone to several health issues, many of them related to their flat faces. Respiratory problems, allergies, and hip dysplasia are common.

Consider: Pet insurance. It can help cover those unexpected costs that come with Frenchie ownership.

5. They’re Clowns at Heart ❤️

One of the things I adore about French Bulldogs is their goofy personalities. They’re small dogs with big attitudes, and they love to entertain. Some Frenchie’s favorite pastime is rolling onto their back and wiggling around, making snorting noises like they are auditioning for a slapstick comedy. They’re the perfect mix of playful and lazy, often bouncing between zoomies and couch potato mode.

Fun Fact: French Bulldogs don’t need tons of exercise. A couple of short walks and some playtime are enough to keep them happy.

6. Grooming Needs Are Minimal, but Cleaning Folds is a Must 🧼

While French Bulldogs don’t need elaborate grooming like some other breeds, you’ll need to keep an eye on their skin folds. Those adorable wrinkles can trap dirt and moisture, leading to irritation or infection. Bruno’s face folds need regular cleaning with a damp cloth and a mild, dog-safe cleanser.

Pro Tip: Make cleaning part of your routine. It’s quick, easy, and will prevent skin problems down the road.

7. They Can Be Prone to Separation Anxiety

French Bulldogs are incredibly loyal and form strong bonds with their humans. This is sweet, but it can also lead to separation anxiety if they’re left alone for long periods. Frenchies cab cry when you leave for work, and you will have to slowly build up their confidence when you come back. Start with short trips out of the house and gradually increased the time you are away.

Solution: Interactive toys or puzzle feeders can help keep them occupied while you’re away.

Before You Get a French Bulldog: Ask Yourself These Questions

  • Am I okay with a dog that might snore louder than a freight train?
  • Do I have the patience for a sometimes stubborn (but totally loveable) pup?
  • Can I handle the possible health issues and vet visits?
  • Am I prepared to take extra care during hot weather?

If you answered yes, a French Bulldog might just be the perfect companion for you. They’re full of love, laughter, and enough quirks to keep life interesting.

    By being prepared for the quirks that come with owning a French Bulldog, you’ll be ready to fully enjoy life with this lovable little companion.

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